Everything Right There: The Bow

"Bowing is the 'First Form' of TaiChi. It alone is a microcosm of the entire art."

There is a lot of ritual, history and lore in our tradition. But to get right into practice, start with the bow.

Getting Set:
Feet under Shoulders. Toes pointed slightly in toward each other.
Arms curved in "TaiChi Circle"
Head suspended from the Crown Point.
Gently Floating and Sinking -- with the Breath.
Breathing from "the Bottom of the Cavern."

To Begin:
Arms straighten, fingers point down... Draining.
Hands turn over, palms facing up... Requesting.
Body Sinks, Arms/Hands rise up and point out... Connecting.
Reaching to the Heavens... Gathering.
Left hand "Cups," Collects Yin, Forms "C."
Right hand Collects Yang, forms Shield.
Hands do not touch... Respecting Separate Charge.
When Full, Pull Down into Chest to Charge Up the Cavity.
This "Overfills the Chest," making it heavy... Tip slowly over from the Hips.
Allow the energy to "Slowly Slosh..."
Reach down from Crown Point into the Earth.
Rotate back up slowly.
Rotate knuckles slowly from vertical to facing front.
Pull Hands Apart slowly, splitting the TaiChi Ball into Two.

Hands Float Back Down into TaiChi Stance -- washing the internal organs.

From Here, You May Begin the Form, Move to Drain or Manifest TaiChi Ball.

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